
RavenQuest features a fully open world, non-instanced playing housing system. Claim your land virtually anywhere — in the middle of a dense forest, along the ocean’s sandy coast, even on top of a desolate mountain.

By being a Land Owner in RavenQuest you will also benefit by earning a share of 25.25% of the entire $QUEST Total Supply, with a pool of over 250 Million $QUEST exclusively for Landowners of RavenQuest

  • Up to 10 Million Early Access Landowner Exclusive $QUEST Pool

  • Production Multiplier

  • 72 Hour Advanced Access to Part 2 of Early Access (Applies for Munkowners as well)

  • Free Patron for the Entire Early Access

  • Massive Landowner PvP & PvE Prizepooled Tournaments Access

  • Exclusive Landowner Channel with RavenQuest Staff

  • Unique Discord Badge and Discord + In-Game Titles

  • & much more in more depth below!

After claiming a plot of land, players can engage in dozens of different land activities such as Farming, Husbandry, Woodcutting, allowing them to collect resources that can be used in Crafting or creating Tradepacks.

Land represents a significant portion of how resources are collected in-game, and in addition to that, Lands also offer the possibility to build a House, a Stronghold or a Fort (depending on what kind of land the player owns) in the world of RavenQuest.

Landowners will be able to build houses on their lands, and it's up to them to choose the house design — there are many design options and house variations for players to choose from.

The house size and room options is based on the land size, this also determines how many rooms the player can have in their house. For example, Large Landowners will be able to build Large Houses, which allows them to place up to 4 Large Rooms for further benefits to their character.

Rooms allow for further customization of your house, not only with land cosmetics, but also the type of rooms you decide to add to your house. Each room type provides it's own unique in-game advantages such as a Bedroom providing additional experience, an Armory providing benefits when Blacksmithing, or a Thieves room to increase your characters Dexterity.

  • Bedroom — Gain additional experience from all sources.

  • Kitchen — Additional labor when cooking

  • Armory — Additional labor when blacksmithing

  • Workshop — Additional labor when carpenting

  • Weaving — Additional labor when weaving

  • Alchemy — Additional labor when concocting potions

  • Armorers Room — Additional Vitality

  • Weapons Room — Additional Might

  • Arcana Room — Additional Intelligence

  • Shrine Room — Additional Wisdom

  • Thieves Room — Additional Dexterity

After your Land is Obtained, you will be able to roll a random Rarity Perk for your land, ranging from a Common to Legendary Perk. 30 Days before RavenQuest's Global Release you will roll a specific perk based on your Land's Perk Rarity. Higher Perk Rarities will unlock more powerful and desired Perks such as a Mining Drill or Fishing Pond on your Land. There is fixed amount of each Perk Rarity that will ever be obtained.

  • Common: 945

  • Uncommon: 1010

  • Grand: 975

  • Rare: 627

  • Arcane: 306

  • Mythic: 117

  • Legendary: 20

  • $108USDC (10% Discount)

  • Discord & In-game Title: Pilgrim

  • Land Production Multiplier: 1x

  • Airdrop Gold Multiplier: 1.1x

  • Perk Rarities: Common - Rare

  • Tradepack Priming (Increased Tradepack Rewards) : 1 / Week

  • Small Player House — Up to 2 Small Rooms

  • Share of Over 250 Million $QUEST Landowner Ecosystem Pool (based on land value)

  • Share of up to 10 Million Early Access Landowner Exclusive $QUEST Pool (based on land value)

  • 72 Hour Advanced Access to Part 2 of Early Access

  • Free Patron for the Entire Early Access

  • Massive Landowner PvP & PvE Prizepooled Tournaments Access

  • Exclusive Landowner Channel with RavenQuest Staff

  • Unlimited Land Effort

  • $510USDC (15% Discount)

  • Discord & In-game Title: Pioneer

  • Land Production Multiplier: 2x

  • Airdrop Gold Multiplier: 1.5x

  • Landowner $QUEST Ecosystem (250 Million $QUEST) Value Multiplier: 6x

  • Perk Rarities: Uncommon - Mythic

  • Tradepack Priming (Increased Tradepack Rewards) : 5 / Week

  • Medium Player House — Up to 3 Medium Rooms

  • Stamina Recharging Bed for Workers: 1

  • Share of Over 250 Million $QUEST Landowner Ecosystem Pool (based on land value)

  • Share of up to 10 Million Early Access Landowner Exclusive $QUEST Pool (based on land value)

  • 72 Hour Advanced Access to Part 2 of Early Access

  • Free Patron for the Entire Early Access

  • Massive Landowner PvP & PvE Prizepooled Tournaments Access

  • Exclusive Landowner Channel with RavenQuest Staff

  • Unlimited Land Effort

  • $2460USDC (18% Discount)

  • Discord Badge & Title: Baron

  • Land Production Multiplier: 4x

  • Airdrop Gold Multiplier: 3.5x

  • Landowner $QUEST Ecosystem (250 Million $QUEST) Value Multiplier: 35x

  • Perk Rarities: Grand - Legendary

  • Tradepack Priming: 25 / Week

  • Stamina Recharging Bed for Workers: 5

  • Large Player House — Up to 4 Large Rooms

  • Share of Over 250 Million $QUEST Landowner Ecosystem Pool (based on land value)

  • Share of up to 10 Million Early Access Landowner Exclusive $QUEST Pool (based on land value)

  • 72 Hour Advanced Access to Part 2 of Early Access

  • Free Patron for the Entire Early Access

  • Massive Landowner PvP & PvE Prizepooled Tournaments Access

  • Exclusive Landowner Channel with RavenQuest Staff

  • Unlimited Land Effort

  • $12300USDC (18% Discount) - Only Available Upon Accepted Application

  • Discord Badge & Title: Noble

  • Land Production Multiplier: 8x

  • Airdrop Gold Multiplier: 12.5x

  • Landowner $QUEST Ecosystem (250 Million $QUEST) Value Multiplier: 175x

  • Perk Rarities: Rare - Legendary

  • Tradepack Priming: 125 / Week

  • Stamina Recharging Bed for Workers: 25

  • Stronghold Construct — Buffs for up to 5 players (these buffs can be rented out)

  • Share of Over 250 Million $QUEST Landowner Ecosystem Pool (based on land value)

  • Share of up to 10 Million Early Access Landowner Exclusive $QUEST Pool (based on land value)

  • 72 Hour Advanced Access to Part 2 of Early Access

  • Free Patron for the Entire Early Access

  • Massive Landowner PvP & PvE Prizepooled Tournaments Access

  • Exclusive Landowner Channel with RavenQuest Staff

  • Unlimited Land Effort

  • $49200USDC (18% Discount) - Only Available Upon Accepted Application

  • Discord Badge & Title: Duke

  • Land Production Multiplier: 20x

  • Landowner $QUEST Ecosystem (250 Million $QUEST) Value Multiplier: 750x

  • Perk Rarities: Arcane - Legendary

  • Tradepack Priming: 500 / Week

  • Stamina Recharging Bed for Workers: 100

  • Castle Construct — Buffs for up to 10 players (these buffs can be rented out)

  • Share of Over 250 Million $QUEST Landowner Ecosystem Pool (based on land value)

  • Share of up to 10 Million Early Access Landowner Exclusive $QUEST Pool (based on land value)

  • 72 Hour Advanced Access to Part 2 of Early Access

  • Free Patron for the Entire Early Access

  • Massive Landowner PvP & PvE Prizepooled Tournaments Access

  • Exclusive Landowner Channel with RavenQuest Staff

  • Unlimited Land Effort

Unable to be as active as you would like, but have Land available? In Patch 1.1.0 all Landowners will be able to rent out (scholarship) their land to other players, receiving $QUEST in exchange for the usage of their land.

The ability to rent your land for a certain period of time is designed to bring a solution for those players who want to utilize Open World Land but do not have their own plot of land, and for landowners who do not have the time required to cultivate their own land and maximize it's potential.

As a landowner, you will be able to determine the amount of time and the price of the rental for it's usage.

As a player who wants to rent Land, you will be able to easily view available land for rent, it's locations, size, and rental price, allowing you to find the perfect piece of land to increase your earning potential from!

The number of Open World Lands are extremely limited, they can only be obtained through a finite supply Land Sale or afterwards Peer to Peer on a Marketplace. There are 5 sizes of Land — Small, Medium, Large, Stronghold and Fort. The size of the land determines the size of the house that can be built and how many animals, trees and vegetables can be placed on the Land.

Unlike Community Land, those using a Land are not required to use any Effort.

Choosing Your Land Location

Landowners will be able to choose their preferred location for their land based on a first-come first-server basis in the order that Land was obtained in the Land Sales.

While choosing a location for your land may feel daunting, due to our self-balancing Tradepost algorithms in RavenQuest, this concern is not needed! No region will be a dead spot as an investment, and all $QUEST generation from Ecosystem rewards are split globally amongst Land Owners.

Last updated